COVID-19 Response – Remote Customer Service
Customer Support Via Phone & Email is Available.
As your insurance agent, it is always our job to offer our clients the best protection possible. We are currently taking steps to do just that during the current COVID-19 outbreak, including closing our office until further notice to all walk-in business. The health and wellbeing of our clients and our employees is Gilbert’s number one priority, as such there are many ways we can still be there for you and practice appropriate social distancing, for example:
- We are all working from home through our online systems with only a small support staff in the office
- We will be available by appointment only for any transactions that can not be handled over the phone or email
- We are wiping down all surfaces throughout the office with disinfectant daily, and as often as is required, and practicing social distancing to keep our employees in the office safe
- We offer many self-transact options, including:
- Links to file a claim or make a payment directly with your insurance carrier on our website
- Easy access to our customer service team who are standing by to answer your questions, or make changes or additions to your policy over the phone, or through email
- Our RightSignature program, where you can sign any forms needed to complete your insurance transaction
- A helpful resource center, which has links to town websites, Registry of Motor Vehicle services and forms, and MEMA & FEMA, the state and federal Emergency Management Agencies, and more
Although we love to see our clients in person, we hope you all take the necessary precautions to stay at home. As you can see, we can accommodate most common transactions through our website, over email, or via a quick phone call to either our Reading or Medford office.
We also wanted to share some links that we have found to be most helpful as the COVID-19 outbreak continues to evolve:
- Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
- Preventing COVID-19 Spread in Communities
- Protect Yourself and Your Family
- Travel Information
- World Health Organization (WHO): Q&A on coronaviruses (COVID-19)
- Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Public Health Map
- U.S. Small Business Administration:
- FEMA – Coronavirus Response
- MEMA – Information on the Outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- The U.S. Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program